Thursday 9 October 2014

Honeycomb Crunch

My daughter came across this while browsing YouTube... She really wanted to try this, so eventually I gave in. You can use either syrup or honey. We didn't have enough syrup left (I need to do some shopping today!!) so we used honey.

Preparation time: 10min
Cooking time: +- 10min (depends on your heat setting)
Setting time: +- 2 hours
Difficulty Level: Skilled


100g sugar
2 1/2 tbs honey
1t bicarbonate of soda


Melt the sugar and honey over low heat until dissolved.

Stirring continuously, until it reaches "hard crack stage". That is when the mixture cracks immediately when dripped into ice cold water.

Very quickly stir in the bicarb. The mixture can start to burn, so this needs to be done very very quickly. The bicarb needs to be mixed in as thoroughly as possible, though.

Pour into sprayed baking dish and immediately put into freezer to set.

The quicker it cools down, the smoother the texture and smaller the holes.

Once set, crumble and enjoy with freshly whipped cream and ginger syrup... Or dip into melted chocolate... or eat is as is!!
It is so delicious, but be careful: you might get addicted!! Thank you Beccy's Bright Ideas!!

Yours in oil and veggies... and sugar!


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