Wednesday 8 October 2014

Grilled Rump steak, with mix veg and onion-pepper sauce

Tuesdays are meaty-days and yesterday we were in the mood for a decent steak. I love my steak with a sauce, so I decided to make an onion-pepper sauce. This is just a quick description of the meal, as this is very simple and do not require a specific recipe.

We defrosted the rump steaks, all cut to about 2cm thickness. It was grilled on the George Foreman griller, with Aromat and Braai Salt for the spices. You cook it for the length of time that suits your taste buds. I love my steaks to be medium-rare... 

The mix veg I just cooked in a little bit of water until just tender, and added a pinch of salt to accentuate the beautiful natural flavours of the veggies.

Find the recipe for the Onion-Pepper Sauce here.

Yours in oil and veggies


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