Monday 1 September 2014

Perfect Mushroom Sauce

I love my steak!! Medium rare with a mushroom sauce. And cheese. Or a pepper sauce. With a fresh salad, and some homemade braai breads.... hhhmmmm... My mouth water just at the thought of such a feast! Lucklily for me, we had it yesterday - well, sort of. No salad, because the T-bone steaks we had was magnificently huge! And I did not make my own braai bread, as I was busy with dessert... Keep an eye out for my next post!! But I did have my medium rare steak with a mushroom-pepper sauce. Absolutely delicious!!


1 punnet mushrooms (250g) washed, sliced
80g margarine
1 onion, chopped
8 whole black peppercorns
Pinch of salt
1/4t white pepper
1/4t ground black pepper
2tbs Mayonnaise
1/2cup milk


Melt margarine. Fry onions. Add mushrooms. Fry. Whisk mayonnaise and milk together until a creamy consistency. (this is your cream cheat, by the way! And does add a little zing to the dish) Add to mushrooms. Let it simmer on low heat for a while, about 5 minutes. Don't overcook, otherwise the creamy consistency will evaporate. Remove from heat and let it stand, for all the flavours to develop. Heat up just before serving. You can add more pepper or less pepper, as your taste dictates. But start off with a little, you can add as you go along. The pepper tends to develop stronger flavours after it has rested a while.

This is a beautiful, delicious sauce over steak or chicken or schnitzel... Enjoy a delectable meal!!

Yours in oil and veggies


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