Saturday 27 September 2014

Shortcut "sticky" chicken

So, Thursdays are chicken or fish days, and since last week was fish, this week is chicken!! I am running very low on supplies in my kitchen, and I can only do grocery shopping next week. The added hurdle is that our income is also drastically reduced, so smart and inventive cooking will need to be taken another level.
The one very big advantage of having less money, is of course, the fact that there is less to eat, less temptation and if you're trying to lose some weight, it is actually perfect!! 

Preparation time: 2 minutes
Cooking time: +- 40 minutes
Difficulty level: Extremely Easy
Serves: 5


1 piece of chicken for every person eating (we are 5, so we work on 5)
1tbs balsamic vinegar
3tbs soya sauce
4tbs chutney
ground black pepper


Place the chicken pieces in a pot. I used an ovenproof cast iron pot. (I just love these cast iron pots, they add another level to the flavour for some reason, it could be all in my head, too!) I used frozen chicken pieces. Add water. Start off with enough to cover the pieces to half way. Cook for about 20 minutes. Turn the pieces over every once in a while. Add the balsamic vinegar, soya, chutney and pepper.

If the water is getting low, add some more. The more water you add, the more sauce you will have. Don't add too much water at the end of the cooking, it dilutes the sauce and you lose some of the flavour. Rather add it now. Cook for another 20 minutes or so, turning over the chicken every now and then. The sauce will be a rich brown colour and the flavour out of this world. 

I served it with some grilled veggies and brown rice. 

Who knew you can make wonderfully tasty chicken with 5 ingredients?

Yours in oil and veggies


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