Tuesday 16 September 2014

Tenderised Steak, cheesy broccolli and butter-cinnamon apple

Just another simple every day meal for today. Tuesdays are meat-nights. Have to be meat: stew, steak or tjops. And decentt veggies goes well with decent meat.

Tenderised steak: I marinated it in a sauce made up of: soya sauce, balsamic vinegar, soda water, red wine and chutney. It did not come out  softer than without marinating, so I am not impressed. And I used too much balsamic vinegar. That is really strong stuff, remember: start with rather too little, and add, than too much. Fried it in a pan on the stove.

Broccolli: Cooked it until very soft. Added salt & Pepper. Added margarine to the last bit of water and cooked through. Added grated cheddar cheese and mixed and mashed. The cheese disappears, but you taste it.

Apple: Sliced the apple. Sifted icing sugar to cover the bottom of a dish. Arranged the apple on top in a layer, icing sugar, apple, icing sugar, cinnamon, added butter pieces all over and baked in oven 140degrees C until soft. Scooped some cream cheese over.

This meal is free of all your "white refined carbs", and except for the sugar over the apple, should fit nicely into a low carb diet.

Yours in oil and veggies


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