Sunday 28 September 2014

Dumpling Dough

This dough is quite interesting. It can be used in savoury and sweet dishes. It's very easy to make, and it bakes quickly. Please adjust the quantities to suit the volume you require.

Preparation time: 10min
Cooking time: 20-30min
Difficulty Level: Very easy
Serves: covers a medium pot


1cup flour
1 1/2t baking powder
1/2t salt
1/2tbs butter
1cup water or milk


Mix dry ingredients together. Crumble in the butter. Add the water or milk and mix well to form a sticky dough. Add more water if you want it more runny, add less water to make it more stiff.

Add to a savoury dish to form a crust and soak up excess sauce.

Add to a syrup for a quick pudding.
Deepfry for a quick alternative to standard vetkoek.

Yours in oil and veggies


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