Thursday 18 September 2014

Cheesy Rice Bake with pumpkin

Ok, today actually has a recipe!! Yeyyy! Wednesday, as you know by now, is meat free day. I wanted to make something low carb, but just couldn't think of anything. Didn't have bacon, couldn't make an Al Fredo.... Couldn't find my yeast, so I couldn't make a cheese bread. (I eventually found my yeast, not in the baking cupboard, in the tins and soups cupboard!!! - I plead the 5th....) So, this is what I came up with:

Prep Time: 20min
Cooking/Baking time: +-30min
Difficulty level:  Easy
Serves: 6 - 8

2cups rice
1 1/2 litre water
1 chickenstock cube
50g margarine
2 onions
1/2 punnet mushrooms
50g butter
1t mixed berbs
1t parsley
1tbs german mustard
3 eggs
125ml cream
salt & pepper to taste


Dissolve the chicken stock in the water. Cook the rice in the water. Do not cook until dry, remove from heat when there is still some water left. Let it stand and loosen with a fork. Add the 50g margarine and mix through.

Melt the butter and fry the onion and mushrooms. Add it to the rice.

Beat the eggs, add the cheese, mustard, herbs, salt & pepper. Mix through.

Add to the rice, and mix quickly, so the egg don't set. Scoop into a margarine smeared oven proof dish. Level, and pour over the cream.

Bake in an oven at 160degrees C until it starts to brown.

Dish up, serve, and enjoy!!! We had pumpkin as a side dish... and of course the two goes very well together.

Yours in oil and veggies


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