Monday 22 September 2014

Mince & Macaroni, with Spinach soup and Spinach salad

Monday. Mince-day. I haven't made pasta in ages, so I decided to make it for a change. We still have spinach in the garden, so I sent my son to cut some leaves. What an absolutely wonderful plant spinach is!! It just keeps growing and growing... straight through our freezing winter, it still just kept on growing!
This is just another normal meal, so I am not giving measurements, just what and how.

Mince - chop onion and mushrooms and fry in a little olive oil. Add the mince and be sure to separate the mince. Add a little balsamic vinegar and more soya sauce. Add Spice for mince. You can add a little salt, but be careful of too much. The vinegar, soya and spice already has a lot of salt. Fry until done. Turn off heat.

Pasta - Cook in salted water until al dente.

Spinach soup - Cook the spinach in water with a little salt until very soft. Add ground black pepper, freshly grated nutmeg, cream and grated cheddar cheese. Mix very well and cook further. (My idea wasn't soup, but I added too much water in the beginning, and now matter how long I cooked it, it just didn't want to evaporate!!) Put in a blender and blend until smooth. Astonishing creamy, cheesy taste - really great to remember for a different type of soup!!

Spinach salad - I took the baby leaves and flash cooked them for 40 seconds and then dunked them into a bowl of icewater to stop the cooking process. Then I sprinkled some salt over, let it stand a couple of minutes, threw off the excess water, crumbled some feta cheese over, and there's your salad!! Quite an interesting taste... Not as strong as raw spinach leaves, it has a softer taste, but still intense. I almost want to describe it as spicy and sharp.

With this meal, going low carb is easy - just don't eat the pasta!! 

Yours in oil and veggies


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