Monday 16 February 2015

No-Yeast Flatbread / Wraps

I like this wrap. It isn/t as soft as I suppose the standard for wraps is, but harder and crumblier (if that is a word...) But I love the texture, exactly for that reason. It is easy, maybe not quick, but worth it.
Credit to Recipe Tin Eats for this recipe.

This recipe yields about 10 - 12 large wraps.


4 cups flour
1t salt
100g butter
1 1/2 cups milk

Melt milk and butter. I did it in the microwave.

  Combine flour and salt. Add the milk mixture to the flour and mix. 

Knead well until the dough is silky and smooth. It will still be warm. 

Wrap in clingwrap and let it rest until cooled completely. Remove the cling wrap, knead a little. Make balls the size of your palm.

 Roll out on a floured surface until thin, about 1-2mm. 

Heat a little oil in a pan. Place the wrap in the pan. It will start to whiten and bubble up. 

Flip over. It will have brown spots all over. Remove from pan and place on a plate.

Fill with the filling of your choice - the Cheesy Mince Foldover and Chicken Foldover are super delicious!!

And enjoy!!

Yours in oil and veggies


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