Saturday 30 August 2014

Cheese & Salami Tartlets

Well, my husband's boss was so kind to give us a whole stick of salami - about 1kg! And I do love my cheese & salami pie!! So I tried to make my own...


1 roll puff pastry
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
1/2 cup chopped salami (remember to take off the rind)
1t mixed herbs
pinch red pepper/cayenne pepper
1/4t paprika
3 eggs, seperated
1 onion, finely chopped
2tbs milk

Spray small muffin pans with non-stick spray. Finely chop the cheese, onion and egg yellow together - I used my stickblender. Add the milk if the mixture is too stiff. Whip the eggwhites to stiff peaks and fold into the egg yellow mixture, with the herbs, pepper, paprika and if you want, salt and black pepper to taste. Fold in the salami.

Roll out the puff pastry, not too thin, about 2mm.

 Press out the rounds for your muffin pan, and gently press in into the pan. Remember: when choosing something to press out, measure it over the pan's cups: It should be bigger to fill up the sides, too. The deeper the cup, the bigger it must be. 

Scoop the mixture into the pan. It does rise a little, but you can fill it to the top. 

Bake in the oven at 180degrees C for about 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of your muffin pan!! And enjoy as a light teatime snack or late night bite in front of a movie...

 This tasty bite is light, cheap and so easy to make. You can substitute the salami with biltong, ham or viennas. And of course it passed the kiddie test!! Perfect for school or lunch, it tastes just as great cold.

Happy baking!!

Yours in oil and veggies


Tuesday 26 August 2014

Cheesy Onion & Egg Breakfast

Good Morning!!

Yes, another breakfast... But we had dinner at Spur yesterday, so I didn't make anything... My son had a rugby event - and it was pure chaos!! You can imagine... 13 kids running riot in the play area, eating and drinking cooldrinks inbetween. But it was a lot of fun!!

Breakfast this morning is the Cheesy Onion & Egg Breakfast. I was quite sceptical myself about this combination, but I have to say: this is such an amazing taste sensation! It has a zing, and a bite and some sweetness on the tongue... From all the breakfasts so far, this is my favourite!!


2 eggs
50g cheese, finely grated
1 onion, chopped
lemon zest to taste
salt& pepper to taste
1tbs butter
1t honey


Poach the eggs. Melt the butter and fry the onion until it browns a little. Spread the onion on the plate. Place the 2 poached eggs on the onion. Sprinkle the cheese  over. Sprinkle the zest over (I grate it directly from the lemon). Add the salt&pepper to your taste. Very little salt is required, though. Drizzle with the honey. And then prepare yourself for a fresh and tangy start to your day!!

Hope you have wonderful day - full of little blessings!!

Yours in oil and veggies


Monday 25 August 2014

Egg & Biltong breakfast

Good Morning!!

Well, I have lost 1.5kg since I cut out carbs - 1 week - so I am definitely continuing! Breakfast remains a challenge for me, as I cannot eat any porridge or cereal or bread, but so far I still have ideas. Keep in mind, it is end of the month, groceries are running low, and I don't want to spend a lot of time on making breakfast. 
This morning is Egg & Biltong... 


2 eggs
handful biltong
1 small onion, chopped
30g butter
1/4 rind feta cheese
parsley for garnish
lemon zest to taste


Melt the butter. Fry the onion and biltong together. Add the eggs. Mix together to make scrambled egg. When done, put on a plate or in a bowl. Crumb the feta over the egg, sprinkle some lemon zest over (to suit your taste), finish with a couple of fresh parsley sprigs...
And enjoy with a fresh cup of coffee!!

Have an awesome day!

Yours in oil and veggies


Sunday 24 August 2014

No-Bake Butter Chocolate Brownies

My son hounded me to make his cookies... It's nice cookies, but he has made them a couple of times now, and I was in the mood for something different. 
So I thought of this no-bake chocolate brownie. My mom actually has the perfect recipe, and I will still get that recipe and post it here as well. But I wanted to see if I couldn't find something else...
 Alas, all the recipes on the web, is complicated. With nuts, and dates, and oats, and some other weird ingredients I either don't have in my cupboard, or I feel is to expensive to use. Oh, and I wanted something WITHOUT oats. 
I want an easy recipe, quick and cheap. One you can even make at the end of the month... 

So, I decided to make my own...


250g margarine
1cup sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
1/2 cup desiccated coconut
1tbs vanilla
1 packet tennis biscuits
pinch of salt
choc chips (optional)


Melt the margarine over low heat. Add the sugar, salt and the cocoa. Constantly stirring. The sugar must melt. It makes a syrup consistency. Remove from heat, continue stirring. Add the crushed cookies, mix well. Add the vanilla, mix well. Spray a dish with non-stick spray, or brush with margarine and sieve icing sugar over. Sprinkle the choc chips on the bottom, if you want to use it. Scoop the mixture into the dish. Level out. Evenly sprinkle the breadcrumbs over the top. Put into the fridge to cool down and set. Once cooled, cut and enjoy!!
Perfect with a cup of coffee when you feel indulgent... 

It is not so sweet as some of the others, and the breadcrumbs adds a little dimension to the already wonderful chocolatey flavours. It is so easy and quick to make, and it sets quickly too. Chocolate is always a sure winner to serve, and if unexpected guests arrive, this is a perfect solution!!

Have a sweet day!

Yours in oil and veggies... and chocolate!


Tuna tart with noodles

A very happy good morning to you all on this fabulous monday!!! 
I hope you had a wonderful weekend and is refreshed and energised for this week - I think this is going to be one hectic week!!

Over the weekend I made this Tuna Tart. I do love my "moerby" dishes. Every time you make it, it tastes different!! This Tuna Tart is quite simple, easy and cheap - but tasty and filling. A real meal for the end of the month, when groceries and cash are running equally low...


150g margarine
1 onion, chopped
1 tin 410g sweetcorn
3 eggs
2tbs mayonnaise
4tbs plain yoghurt (can be substituted with buttermilk, cream or milk)
2t origanum
1t hot english mustard
1 tin fine tuna in salt water
1/2 t Paprika
1 packet 2min noodles
salt & pepper to taste


Melt the butter. Cool it a little, and crack the eggs in. Whisk until mixed. Add the sweetcorn, onion, mayonnaise, yogurt, origanum, mustard, tuna, paprika and salt& pepper.

Mix it all together. It shouldn't me too stiff, but not too runny either. Crush the noodles, mix it in. Scoop into a non-stick sprayed dish, level out. Sprinkle breadcrumbs over. Bake in the oven at 160degrees C for about half an hour. 
Before baking

After baking

And enjoy!!

This dish may not look like much, but don't be fooled. And, as always, the kids love it!! 
Have a great day!!

Yours in oil and veggies


Thursday 21 August 2014

Creamy Curry Chicken 1

Dinner for yesterday was easier than Wednesday!! Thursdays are chicken or fish nights, and I chose chicken. My daughter wanted sticky chicken, I was in the mood for curry chicken, and just love creamy chicken... So I made this: a mix between creamy and curry and sticky chicken!! It came out absolutely divine...

6 pieces chicken (I cooked from frozen)
2tbs Soya Sauce
3tbs olive oil
1cup water
1t mild curry powder
1/2t hot curry powder
1t fennel seeds
4tbs chutney
1tbs balsamic vinegar
1cup cream

Place the chicken pieces in the pot. I used a cast iron pot, but I guess a frying pan will work as well? 

Pour over the Soya sauce, olive oil, curry powders, fennel seeds,chutney, vinegar and water. Close the lid, let it cook for about 30min. Check every now and then to make sure there is still enough fluids. If the sauce becomes too little, add a little water. The chicken needs to be cooked thoroughly. 

When it is cooked, you should still have a nice thick sauce - smelling absolutely heavenly!! 
I switched off the plate, poured in the cream and let it stand for a bit, while I made the other food: buttery sweet potato and cheesy broccoli.
When we dished up, I just heated it up and mixed the cream through. 
Dinner is served!!

What makes this such an interesting dish, is the flavours from this sauce... At first you taste the sweetness (that's for the sticky chicken), then you taste the curry and lastly the liquorice from the fennel seeds just rounds it off! And all this on a creamy smooth base... 

Hope you have an awesome friday!! And even better weekend!!

Yours in oil and veggies


Egg, onion & Strawberry Breakfast

Yes, no carbs... what a mission!! How do you eat eggs with no bread? I've always eaten my egg - fried, poached, whatever - with a slice of bread! So, this morning I tried this:


1 egg
1/2 onion
2 strawberries
1/8 feta rind
1tbs margarine


Slice the onion in rings. Melt the margarine in a pan, fry the onion rings. Add the egg to the margarine and onion pan. Slice the strawberries. Plate everything up, crumb some feta over. And enjoy!!
I will prefer to poach the egg next time, though. (my poacher was still in the sink... yes, I was too lazy to wash it!!) But hubby said this tasted just fine. 

Do you have any ideas for egg without bread? Please share!!

Have a fun day!!

Yours in oil and veggies


Veggie Bake

Since we are trying to lose some of the extra kilo's... (well, I am, and you know how it goes...), I have decided to cut out or minimise our intake of carbs. Turns out to be quite a challenge, especially on a meat-free day, like we had yesterday!
So, I made this Veggie Bake. It turned out to be quite filling - and very delicious! 
I made some rice for the kids - they really still need their carbs!! - and a little for hubby. *wink*


1kg pack frozen chunky vegetables
1cup grated cheddar cheese
50g margarine
salt & pepper to taste
1/2 cup milk
3 eggs
2tbs mayonnaise
1t english mustard
1t mixed herbs


Put the frozen chunky vegetables in a shallow ovenproof dish. Mix the cheese inbetween the chunks. Dot the margarine all over. Mix the mayo, eggs, milk, mustard & mixed herbs well. Pour over the veggies, sprinkle with salt & pepper to taste and into the oven at 180degrees C, for about 1/2 hour to an hour. 

Before it went into the oven
When it came out of the oven


Making the salad:
1 apple - cut into strips, 4 strawberries - cut into pieces,1/2 rind feta cheese - crumbed, 1 lemon - juices squeezed. That's it. The lemon prevents the apple from turning brown, and adds wonderful flavour, without being sour!! Salt&pepper optional. We didn't even use any. (notice the glass of wine?? I LOVE cooking with my wine!!) 
The end result of the meal. 

Next time, though, I am going to add some lemon zest to the veggies. That would add some very nice dimension to this dish. 

Have a fabulous day!!

Yours in oil and veggies...


Tuesday 19 August 2014

Poached egg & Apple breakfast

Good Morning!

It's been a while since I have posted any recipes, because I got a little busy... Had my baby, got retrenched and started working from home, busy buying a bigger house.... It has been quite a ride, but we are all happy and content.

And part of the pleasures of being at home, is having very wholesome, healthy, delicious breakfasts! 

Part of eating more healthy, and in line with slimming objectives, is to cut out all refined and "white" carbs. So, no bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, flour or maizemeal... This makes finding alternatives for these carbs, challenging... but interesting!

For today, I have decided on Butter fried apples, drizzled with honey and feta, with poached egg and salad leaf.

1 apple
1/8th of a feta ring
1t honey
2 eggs
1t butter
1 salad leaf


Slice the apple (skin on) in thin slices, around the core. If you can make ribbons, that will be fabulous! Melt the butter in a pan and fry the apple in the butter.
Poach the eggs until done. I like mine soft.

 The apple can caramelise a little, it adds flavour!!!

Place the apple on the plate. drizzle the honey over and crumb the feta. 
Add the egg and salad leaf, and of course a fresh cup of coffee, and you are ready to enjoy your breakfast... and the rest of the day, too!!

O, you read right, no salt, pepper or any flavouring added. It's not needed...

Have a wonderful day!!

Yours in oil and veggies,
