Tuesday 26 August 2014

Cheesy Onion & Egg Breakfast

Good Morning!!

Yes, another breakfast... But we had dinner at Spur yesterday, so I didn't make anything... My son had a rugby event - and it was pure chaos!! You can imagine... 13 kids running riot in the play area, eating and drinking cooldrinks inbetween. But it was a lot of fun!!

Breakfast this morning is the Cheesy Onion & Egg Breakfast. I was quite sceptical myself about this combination, but I have to say: this is such an amazing taste sensation! It has a zing, and a bite and some sweetness on the tongue... From all the breakfasts so far, this is my favourite!!


2 eggs
50g cheese, finely grated
1 onion, chopped
lemon zest to taste
salt& pepper to taste
1tbs butter
1t honey


Poach the eggs. Melt the butter and fry the onion until it browns a little. Spread the onion on the plate. Place the 2 poached eggs on the onion. Sprinkle the cheese  over. Sprinkle the zest over (I grate it directly from the lemon). Add the salt&pepper to your taste. Very little salt is required, though. Drizzle with the honey. And then prepare yourself for a fresh and tangy start to your day!!

Hope you have wonderful day - full of little blessings!!

Yours in oil and veggies


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