Monday 25 August 2014

Egg & Biltong breakfast

Good Morning!!

Well, I have lost 1.5kg since I cut out carbs - 1 week - so I am definitely continuing! Breakfast remains a challenge for me, as I cannot eat any porridge or cereal or bread, but so far I still have ideas. Keep in mind, it is end of the month, groceries are running low, and I don't want to spend a lot of time on making breakfast. 
This morning is Egg & Biltong... 


2 eggs
handful biltong
1 small onion, chopped
30g butter
1/4 rind feta cheese
parsley for garnish
lemon zest to taste


Melt the butter. Fry the onion and biltong together. Add the eggs. Mix together to make scrambled egg. When done, put on a plate or in a bowl. Crumb the feta over the egg, sprinkle some lemon zest over (to suit your taste), finish with a couple of fresh parsley sprigs...
And enjoy with a fresh cup of coffee!!

Have an awesome day!

Yours in oil and veggies


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