Tuesday 29 September 2015

Potato Bake with Bacon

Potatoes is one of the most versatile foods out there. And also one of the healthiest – despite what those medical people say. You take a potato out of the ground, wash it and cook it – no processing whatsoever. Please tell me how it can be unhealthy? Not to mention how absolutely delicious potatoes are with butter and cheese and cream and mushrooms…

Preparation time: 15min
Cooking time: +-2hours
Difficulty Level: Very easy
Serves: 6


8 medium potatoes
500ml milk
1 onion, finely chopped
50g butter
350g bacon bits
100g cheese
Salt & Pepper
Breadcrumbs in butter


Cook the whole potatoes till ¾ ready.

 Add the onion to the milk and cook for about 20min on medium heat.  

Drain the milk off, and keep both the milk and onion.

Melt the butter and fry the onion and bacon until soft and lightly starting to brown. 

Add the onion milk and mix well.

Slice the potatoes and layer in a baking dish. Dot a little butter and sprinkle salt & pepper over the potato. 

Add some cheese. Add another layer of potato, and continue to layer until all the potato is done.

Pour over the bacon mixture.
Melt some butter and add the breadcrumbs, enough to cover the top the dish. I had a bit of a mishap, so mine doesn't exactly cover the top!!

Bake in the oven at 160°C until nicely browned.

Serve at a braai, or as part of dinner or enjoy as is!!

Yours in oil and veggies


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