Thursday 17 September 2015

Cheese, Onion & Corn Quesadillas

I cheated. Yes, I know... But I simply didn't have enough time. You know, to make my OWN wraps. So... I bought them. Should you wish to make them, you can find the recipe right here on Rischlicious Recipes.
Compliments to the "Mexicorn" company, though. Normally the wraps you buy are bland, tasteless, reminding you of cardboard. Old cardboard. These ones were very tasty and soft. And not that expensive either.

I tasted my first Quesadilla in Spur. And it was love at first bite. So I decided to make some of my own. Fun thing is, you can really play with the ingredients. I am not concerning myself with the ethics of what is now a TRUE quesadilla or what SHOULD be in there... this is food, people. You can make it to suit your taste and mood. 

This recipe contains no measurements, as you make it according to your taste. Want more cheese? Then add more cheese! Want more onion? Then add more onion? Want to add green pepper? or Bacon? or Chocolate Chips? Then add it!! (I only have one rule when it comes to being adventurous about new combinations and flavours: you eat what you make. So perhaps we should rethink the chocolate chips...?)


1 tin whole kernel sweetcorn
3 onions
lots of grated processed cheese
wraps (2 per person)


Chop the onion.

Fry the onion in butter until lightly browned. 

Spread mayonnaise on the wraps. You can spread on only the bottom one, or top and bottom. 

 Cover with cheese. Don't spread too close to the edges, because we don't want it to melt out of the quesadilla.

Sprinkle the whole kernel sweetcorn.

Add the fried onions.

Place the second wrap on top and press lightly down.

Heat up a frying pan big enough for the quesadillas. Add some olive oil to cover the bottom.
Place the quesadilla in and lightly fry the one side. Carefully turn it over and fry the other side. Remove and place on plate. Add a little more oil to the pan. It is advisable to add a little oil before each quesadilla, to get a nice golden brown fry. Otherwise, it turns to black frying spots.

Cut in quarters. You are welcome to carefully arrange it on the plate and garnish with some green salad... we were just too hungry to think of anything else than EATING it!! 

And it was super delicious. And surprisingly filling, too. 

Yours in oil and veggies


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