Tuesday 29 September 2015

Beef Roast with Black Pepper & Rosemary

Making a roast is more intuition than facts. It depends on your oven, your taste, if it cooks from frozen or fresh, etc. So please see this as only a guide. I cooked ours from frozen. And it was super soft, tasty, juicy and simply delicious!!

Preparation time: 5 min
Cooking time: +- 5 hours
Difficulty Level: Hard
Serves: 8


800g Beef roast
2tbs olive oil
15-20 whole black pepper corns
1t rosemary
1/2t white pepper
Pinch salt
1/2t rosemary
1-2t Bisto


Place the roast in an oven proof dish with a tight fitting lid. Pour over the olive oil, pepper corns and rosemary. Add a little water to cover the bottom of the dish to about 1 cm deep. Bake in a 100°C oven for 2 hours.

After about 2 hours. Increase temperature to 150degrees C for another hour. 

After the hour at 150degrees C. 

 After the 3 hours, pour off the water. Add the white pepper, salt, rosemary and Bisto and mix well. Cook until it thickens. You can add more Bisto if you want it thicker.

Remove the cover off the dish and roast the beef in the oven at 180°C until it starts to darken. After about 10 minutes, remove and turn the roast over. Put back in the oven.

How long the roast must be in the oven, depends on how you like your beef. For rare, it is a much shorter time than for well done. The only way to tell without a thermometer, is to cut.
You can do a lot of reading on the web about how to make it perfect.

Serve with veggies and potato, or a salad and rice.

And enjoy!!

Yours in oil and veggies


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