Thursday 26 November 2015

Blue Fettuccini

This is a pasta meal fit for kings. It is full of flavours, even though very little added flavouring is used. It is quick, too!


Homemade fettuccine / 500g bought fettuccine
2 onions, chopped
2-3 tbs spring onion, chopped
1tbs chives, chopped
1 punnet mushrooms, sliced
1 cup cream
salt & pepper to taste
lemon zest 
blue cheese to taste (about 1-2 tbs)
4tbs butter


1. Cook the fettuccine in salt water until al dente. Pour off excess water and melt 2tbs butter in.
2. Melt the other 2tbs butter in a frying pan and fry the onions until lightly browned.
3. Add the mushrooms and fry until lightly browned.
4. Add the fried mushrooms and onion to the fettuccine. Also add the spring onion, chives and salt & pepper to taste.
5. Add the cream and mix everything well.
6. Just before dishing up, mix the blue cheese in.
7. Grate a little zest over ...

and enjoy!!

Serve warm as is, or with a fresh salad.

Yours in oil and veggies


Popcorn Chocolate

Quick, simple and easy... not to mention DELICIOUS!
You can play with this, too. Use colorful chocolate, use sprinkles, be creative!!


Rule of thumb: for every 1/2cup of popcorn kernels, 2cups of chocolate pieces. But you can really make it to suit your taste.


1. Pop the popcorn, any method will do. Sprinkle a little salt over and mix well. Place the popped popcorn in a baking dish.
2. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, until fully melted. 
3. Pour the chocolate evenly over the popcorn.
4. Place in the fridge until set.


Yours in sugar & cream


Wednesday 4 November 2015

Beans, Bacon & Beef

This dish is simple, easy, quick and delicious! It's also low-carb - bargain! 

3tbs butter
2 onions, chopped
300g bacon, diced
1kg cut beans
500g stew beef, cubed
1tbs soya sauce
1 rind feta cheese
salt & pepper


Melt the butter and fry the onions till lightly browned.
Add the bacon and fry till browned.
Add the beans and lower the heat, cover and let is simmer till the beans are soft, but still firm. Add white pepper and salt to taste.
Dry the beef in a kitchen towel.
Fry in a very hot non-stick pan, without any oil or butter or anything else. Fry until browned. Remove from heat. Add the soya sauce and mix well.
Add the beef to the beans and crumble the feta cheese over. Mix through.

Serve and enjoy!!

 Yours in oil and veggies
