Monday 2 September 2013


Hi you all!!
Summer is coming any day now to the sunny South Africa, and I am lucky enough to have a lemon tree in my back yard… So, I decided to start making : lemonade!!!  (Of course some lemons will be kept for tequila!! )


1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice


Melt the sugar and water together and boil for about 5 – 10 minutes. This should give you 2 cups of syrup. Mix the 2 cups syrup with 1 cup lemon juice. This makes the Lemonade Syrup.
The Lemonade Syrup you then dilute with water, or soda water - if you prefer a little bubbly – to your taste.

Remember to keep to the ratios:
1 cup water : 1 cup sugar
2 cups syrup : 1 cup lemon juice

Enjoy ICE COLD with some fresh mint leaves, or a slice of lemon, for a refreshing summer time drink.
For an inspired cocktail: mix with vodka or Malibu…

Yours in oil and veggies…. And summer chills!!


Wednesday 28 August 2013

Strawberry Cake

Hi you all!!
On this very typical – sunny and dry, fairly warm – August Saturday afternoon, we are planning to have a very nice braai for a change. Our weekends have been a little hectic and we just never had enough time – or energy – to prepare for a Saturday afternoon braai.
On our menu is T-bone steak, salad and my hubby’s favourite bread (which I will still ask him to share with us!!). And then I got the idea for pudding… Strawberry Cake…

This recipe is my very own, drawing from a variety of other recipes and tips I have learnt over the years. It’s easy to make and very simple… and perfect on such a bright day … or any day for that matter!!


2k cake flour
2t baking powder
1t salt
1k sugar
1 ½ k milk
2 eggs
65g butter
425g tin Strawberries

½ k cake flour
½ k castor sugar
65g butter


Mix the flour and sugar. Melt the butter. Mix the butter and flour mixture to form a good crumble. Set aside for about 10 minutes. This allows the crumble to dry a little and it is easier to crumble.

Mix the dry ingredients together. Melt the butter and mix into the dry ingredients to form a nice crumble. Whisk the milk and eggs together. Mix the crumble and the milk mixture until well mixed.
Pour off most of the syrup of the strawberries and chop the strawberries a little.

Scoop half the batter into a bowl suitable to bake in the oven. Spread evenly. Pour the strawberries over. Scoop the other half of the batter over the strawberries. Take half the crumble and crumble it evenly over the batter and strawberries. Bake in the oven t 160 degrees C for an hour. Check if the cake is done at regular intervals.

Enjoy with fresh whipped cream  and fresh chopped strawberries!

Yours in oil and veggies... and sweetness!!


Monday 29 July 2013

Flourless Spinach Quiche

Good Evening!!

Today we are making a quiche without any flour in the mixure. It is tasty and very filling, and, in line with our theme on this blog - it is easy to make and uses ingredients that is already in your cupboard!

And, I actually have pictures for this one!!


1 can Sweetcorn
1 can mushrooms
1 finely chopped onion
8 red viennas, chopped
500g cut spinach
1tbs mustard
1tbs parsley
salt & pepper to taste
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
1/2 cup grated mozzarella cheese
3 eggs, seperated


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Cook the spinach until just cooked and tender. Mix sweetcorn, mushrooms, onion, viennas, mustard, parsley, salt, pepper and cheese together. 

 Let the spinach cool down. Add the egg yolks and mix the mixture well. Beat the egg whites until it forms slight peaks. Fold it into the sweetcorn mixture, but do not overmix. Spray a  baking dish with non-stick spray. Scoop the mixture into the dish and spread evenly. Sprinkle more cheese on top. Put into the oven and bake for about 30 minutes, or until the quiche has risen nicely and the cheese has turned a golden brown.

 Serve warm with a classic salad. And ENJOY!!

Yours in oil and veggies


Tuesday 9 July 2013

Mince Pizza.. with Bread

Good Morning!!

I realize I haven't posted any recipes for a while... Time is such a luxury!!! Which is exactly why the recipe for today is such a great winner. It is very tasty, cheap and easy to make - everything a tired, working mom wants to hear when a meal is described!! 


300g Mince
1 tin Sweetcorn
1 tin Mushrooms
1t Spice for Mince
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 -2 tbs Soya sauce
Oil for frying
2 eggs
3/4 cup milk
Grated cheddar cheese
+- 6 slices of bread


Fry the mince in the oil. Add the spice for mince, salt, pepper and soya sauce. Fry till nicely loosened and brown. Add the mushrooms. Fry some more. Add the sweetcorn, and stir well. Turn off heat. Place the bread in a baking tray next to each other (if your tray is too narrow like mine, the bread can overlap - it doesn't matter!). Scoop the mince mixture over the bread and spread evenly. Whisk the egg and milk well and pour evenly over the mixture in the tray. Top with the grated cheese - I am not limiting the quantity, because this you can do to suit your taste!! Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. It may not necessarily form a hard crust, due to the sauce from the mince mixture, but can still be done. The cheese needs to be completely melted and starting to crust.

I fed my family of five and two of my kids friends who had a sleepover with this meal and we were all stuffed! It is very filling and the kids love it!


Yours in oil and veggies


Wednesday 8 May 2013

Simple Chicken a 'la King

Hello everybody!!

Today's recipe is a simple Chicken a'la King. Simple, because of the few ingredients and the level of effort required. Do not be fooled, though... the taste will have you wish you made more!!!


5 chicken pieces -any, and you can cook from frozen, no need to defrost
250ml cream
1t chicken spice
salt & pepper to taste
1 onion, chopped
1 can of mushrooms
3tbs butter
2tbs oil


Heat the oil and 2tbs butter in a frying pan. Put the chicken pieces in and put on the lid. Let it cook for a couple of minutes. Check the chicken to make sure that a nice stock has formed. If you did not use frozen chicken pieces, you might have to add a little water. Turn the chicken pieces regularly throughout the cooking  process. After about 10 minutes, sprinkle the spice, salt and pepper over the chicken pieces, and let it cook again. You can be generous with the spice!! Fry the onion and mushrooms separately in 1tbs of butter. After about 15-20 minutes, the chicken should be cooked through and still have a nice stock in the pan. Pour out the stock and fry the pieces of chicken in the pan for a little nice brown colour. Add the onion and mushrooms. Mix the cream into the stock and pour over the chicken. Lower the heat of the frying pan to very low. Simmer the chicken in the creamed stock for a couple of minutes. Not too long, or the creamy stock will reduce too much. Serve with rice, and enjoy!!

Most meats have a lot of their own flavour and need very little spices to bring out the natural taste. This dish uses the natural full flavour of the chicken, with the spice and salt helping to bring it to the fore. 

Yours in oil and veggies


Tuesday 23 April 2013

Cheesy Potato Bake

Good Morning on this very misty morning!!

The recipe for today is a Cheesy Potato Bake. My word, it is perfect comfort food for weather like we are having today - cold, misty with the winter chill cutting to the bone. This dish is sure to warm your senses and fill your tummy with pure happiness!!


5 medium - large potatoes
2tbs butter
3 tbs mayonnaise
2tbs chunky cottage cheese (plain) 
2t English mustard
Salt & Pepper to taste
3/4 cup milk
100g Mozzarella cheese, grated
50g Cheddar cheese, grated
Cayenne pepper


Cook the potatoes whole with skin on until soft. Cut into rough chunks in a deep oven-proof dish. Put the butter all around on the potatoes. Sprinkle the salt & pepper to taste. Mix the milk, mayonnaise, english mustard and cottage cheese well and pour over the potatoes. Spread the mozzarella cheese evenly over the dish, and then the cheddar cheese. Sprinkle lightly with a pinch of Cayenne pepper. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. It is ready when the cheddar cheese has started to turn a light brown. You will notice that the milk-mixture is still boiling - it is not too runny, don't worry. Take the dish out of the oven and leave to set for about 5 minutes. Eat as is for a comforting meal, or dish up as a side dish at a braai or dinner. 


Yours in Oil and Veggies


Monday 22 April 2013

Macaroni & Mince Twist

Good Morning!!

I have to send a BIG shoutout to my wonderful husband!! He bought me a gas hob over the weekend - and it has taken my love for cooking to a whole new level. The best surprise ever, thank you so much, my hubby!! Mwah - love you lots!

Today's dish is Macaroni & Mince with a little sweet twist... Quite spicy and rich, but filled with a lot of different flavours - this dish is a sure winner!


500g Mince
1 onion, chopped
2tbs Soya Sauce
Salt & Pepper to taste
1t Spice for Mince
200g Sweet Potato
3tbs brown sugar
1/2t cinnamon
2tbs butter
250g Macaroni
1 block cheese stock
Parmesan for finishing
Oil for frying


Heat the oil in the pan, and fry the onion till soft. Put in the mince, fry and loosen the mince. Add salt & pepper to taste, add the soya sauce and the Spice for mince. Fry until cooked. 
Bring water to a boil in a pot and add salt. Add the macaroni and stir. Cook until al dente. Add the cheese stock and mix well until completely dissolved. 
Melt the butter in a pan and add the sweet potato.Fry until the sweet potato is cooked. Add the brown sugar and cinnamon. Fry until the edges of the sweet potato is caramalised. 
Mix the mince, spaghetti and sweet potato and sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top for a little extra flavour. And enjoy!!

Yours in oil and veggies


Monday 11 February 2013

Quick Pumpkin Fritters

Hi you all!

Today's recipe is for quick pumpkin fritters. It is very easy and very quick to make, but most of all - it is very delicious!!


1kg pumpkin cubes
2tbs butter
3tbs brown sugar/white sugar
1t cinnamon
1 tin sweetcorn
salt & pepper to taste
pinch cayenne pepper
1/2t baking powder
2 eggs
6 tbs cake flour


Cook the pumpkin in a little water until very soft. Throw off all excess water once cooked, and then add the butter, sugar and cinnamon and mix very well. The butter must be melted. Once the pumpkin is done, mix well with all the other ingredients.

You can now either bake it in a buttered scone pan or fry it in a little oil like normal fritters. If you bake it, bake it at 180degrees Celsius for about 30 min until firm.


Yours in oil and veggies


Wednesday 30 January 2013

Risch's Spaghetti Bolognaise

Hi everybody!!

We all know Spaghetti Bolognaise, it is after all a traditional favourite. Try my version for an alternative that will tickle your tastebuds... 


250g Spaghetti
1 tin 200g mushrooms
1 tin Tomato & Onion 
1 packet Tomato Paste
Salt & Pepper to taste
Grated Cheddar Cheese
2tbl soya sauce
1tbl crushed garlic
2t spice for Mince
2tbl sugar
400g Mince
Oil for frying


Boil water in a pot. Once it boils, add the spaghetti and stir. Add salt. Cook until it is soft, but not soggy. Fry the mince in some oil. Add salt & pepper to taste, add the origanum, soya sauce, garlic and Spice for Mince and stir thoroughly. Fry until mince is cooked through. Add mushrooms, tomato & onion and tomato paste and sugar and mix well. You can either mix the spaghetti and mince before dishing up, or dish it up seperately. Sprinkle grated cheese over and serve! Makes 6 portions.

For added flavour, sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese to taste as well.


Yours in oil and veggies


Monday 28 January 2013

Pumpkin & Spinach Surprise

This is the first recipe for this blog, and unfortunately I do not have a picture. Sorry, guys!! However, this meal is super-delicious and worth every minute of cooking! But don't just take my word for it, start cooking and taste for yourself!!


1kg Pumpkin
500g Spinach
1 onion
300g bacon 
1/2 cup cream*
salt and pepper to taste
1 cup cheddar cheese grated
100g margarien
4tb brown sugar
1 or 2 cups rice

Cook the pumpkin in very little water until soft. Add a little salt and mix through. Stir regularly to prevent burning. Once soft, add 70g margarien and the brown sugar and cook through. Remove from heat.

Cook the spinach in very little water until soft. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add the cream and stir through until it thickens a little. Remove from heat.

Cook the rice as per packet instructions.

Chop the onion and bacon and fry in the rest of the margarien until the bacon is done. Mix the onion mix, pumpkin, spinach and rice together and scoop into an ovenproof dish. Throw grated cheese over and dip the cheese into the dish with a spoon. Cover with some breadcrumbs and bake in the oven @ 180 degrees for about 20 min. 

Let it cool and then dish up!

Makes about 6 full servings.

Yours in oil and veggies


* Tip: Cream substitute:   Mix 1 cup of milk and 2tbl mayonnaise very well.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Just Arrived!!

Hi everybody!

Welcome to my new blog! 

This blog is all about recipes, food, cooking, shortcuts, kiddies meals, one-pot meals, end-of-the-month dinners and everything inbetween.

I am a mother of 3 (1 girl and 2 boys) and have discovered over time what to feed them so that they are healthy without me sweating over tons of dishes or the bank balance at the end of the month. So most of these recipes will be from my own tries, and some are known recipes with a little tweak to make it easier - or more affordable.

Your comments are welcome! Please read, cook and share - food is after all meant to be fun!!

Yours in oil and veggies
