Saturday 3 January 2015

Ginger Syrup

My mom gave us a bottle of store-bought ginger&cookie syrup, because she didn't like it. I though it was absolutely divine, except that it came in a bottle... I decided to try making my own ginger syrup. And not to brag or anything, but I think mine is better!! Really sweetly decadent with that fresh ginger flavour, you can add it to any dessert or even just over ice cream.


Fresh ginger root
1/2cup brown sugar
1/2cup water
1t butter
pinch cloves


Slice the root into wheels and mash with a mortar and pestle. 

 No need to remove the skin. Melt the butter and add the ginger. Let it fry a little until just starting to brown. 

Add the sugar and water in a pot and dissolve. 

Add the fried ginger pieces and cook. It has to rapidly boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Add a very tiny pinch of ground cloves, mix through and let it stand for at least 10minutes for the flavour to develop. The longer it cools, the thicker the syrup becomes and the richer the flavour becomes. 

Best to use when completely cooled. Save leftover syrup in an airtight bottle in the fridge. Use within 1 week. 

This syrup goes very well with my Butter Fried Fig Dessert.

Yours in oil and veggies


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