Saturday 3 January 2015

Onion & Cheese Bread

Yesterday being Saturday - even though it feels like just another day during these lovely holidays!! - I was in the mood for a lekka bread. I do love baking bread! So I decided on this flavour: Onion & Cheese. It was absolutely devine!! Soft, rich and filling - you almost need nothing else. Perfect for a braai.

Preparation Time: 10min
Rising Time: 2 hours
Baking Time: 45min - 1 hour
Serves: 10


6cups white bread flour
2packets yeast
2tbs sugar
2t salt
800ml lukewarm water
1 onion, chopped finely
1/4t ground black pepper
1t parsley
1/4t cayenne pepper
50g butter
150g cheese, grated


Chop the onion finely. I used my thinga-ma-jig from Verimark again, because I can mix everything in it, saving on dishes. Add the parsley and peppers and mix through.

 Mix the flour, yeast, sugar and salt. Add the onion mixture and the water. The water has to be lukewarm and a little more warm than cold, Like a nice warm bath. Too cold or too warm and the yeast won't work properly. Add the water and mix through. It is not a dough you knead. 

Cover and place in a warm place to rise. A little heat is sufficient, full sun is best. Leave for about an hour. It has to be at least twice in size. Break the rise by mixing again, but just a quick once off mix. Spray a bread pan or pot with non-stick spray. Scoop the mixture in and cover.

Let it rise again for about an hour, again to about double in size.

 Cut the butter into little blocks and dot the dough - don't press on it, you don't want to break this rise. 

Sprinkle the grated cheese evenly over the top. 

Bake in a 160degrees C oven for about 45min to an hour, until a knitting pen comes out clean. Mine fell in in the middle, I think it was because I covered it the first 30min, which is why I am not telling you to do it. It wasn't clumpy though. Remove once done and the cheese started to brown.

Slice, spread with butter and Enjoy!!

Yours in oil and veggies


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