Sunday 26 May 2019

Curry Chicken on Coconut Rice

With winter firmly on our doorstep, the mornings and evenings are quite chilly. But even though the days are nice and warm still, inside our house it is quite cold!! The fabulous thatch roof that provides us with an aircon-like coolness in summer, also provides all-day-cool during winter. With us, you take off a jacket when leaving the house!
Very few things can warm every part of your insides like a perfect, creamy curry. It is simply food for the soul that warms all the corners of your body and your heart. 

And this is what I wanted today. A warming of the soul, a comfort to the heart, and warm support for the spirit - it's been quite a week for me!

 This is also quite quick to prepare, as it is mostly done in the pressure cooker. You can make the meal early in the day and just let it stand until you're ready to eat, and the flavours will continue develop and mature.

8x pieces of chicken, frozen
1x chicken stock block
750ml warm water
2tbs whole coriander seeds
1tbs whole black pepper seeds
1tbs whole cumin seeds
1tbs medium curry powder
1t hot curry powder
2 cups rice
1/4 cup desiccated coconut
2tbs corn flour
250ml cold water

1. Put the coriander, black pepper, cumin and curry powders in a small frying pan on low heat on the stove and heat. Mix regularly, and don't let it burn. Only a couple of minutes is necessary. Remove from the heat and mash it all up using a mortar and pestle.
2. Crumb the stock block in the 750ml warm water and dissolve completely.
3. Put the chicken pieces in the pressure cooker. Throw the spices over and then follow with the chicken stock water.
4. Switch the pressure cooker on for 20 minutes.
5. When done, remove from the pressure cooker and put into a large heavy bottomed pot on the stove and cook over low heat for a further 30 minutes or so.
6. In the meantime, put 2 cups of rice into the pressure cooker and fill with water until 2/5 level. Cook for just under 25 minutes. Let it rest for while, and then add the coconut and salt to taste.
7. Dissolve the corn flour in the 250ml cold water, mix well and pour over the chicken in the pot, mixing everything well. Cook until the sauce has thickened.

Serve warm with beetroot chutney.

And enjoy!

Yours in oil and veggies

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