Wednesday 1 April 2015

Fried Green Beans on Baked Potato

Not knowing what to make for dinner can drive you to pull your hair out. Especially at month-end when groceries are running low. I am running out of cheese, butter, cream, flour, toiletpaper and washing powder. No flour = nothing with dough, and no pasta. No cheese limits my cooking abilities a lot. Don't know if you have realised, but most of my cooking involves cheese. Butter is essential too...
Anyway, so this is what I came up with.


Green Beans, whole
Salt & Pepper
Potatoes, whole & baked in microwave

Cook the beans in a pot. I cooked mine from frozen, so I didn't add any water. Add the butter and let it cook covered until becoming a little softer. A nice juice will form as the beans cook. Pour off the sauce into a pot. Mix in about 2-3 tbs mayonnaise and blend well (you can use a blender, it is much quicker). Mix a little maizena with a little cold water. Heat up the sauce and add the maizena mixture. Stir constantly until it thickens. Remove from heat. Pour a little oil into the pot with the beans. Let it fry until partly lightly browned and crunchy. Quarter potatoes. Melt some butter and pour over the potatoes. Sprinkle salt & pepper over to taste. Place some beans over the potato. Pour over some sauce and sprinkle with crumbled feta...

And enjoy!!

Yours in oil and veggies


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