Monday 29 July 2013

Flourless Spinach Quiche

Good Evening!!

Today we are making a quiche without any flour in the mixure. It is tasty and very filling, and, in line with our theme on this blog - it is easy to make and uses ingredients that is already in your cupboard!

And, I actually have pictures for this one!!


1 can Sweetcorn
1 can mushrooms
1 finely chopped onion
8 red viennas, chopped
500g cut spinach
1tbs mustard
1tbs parsley
salt & pepper to taste
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
1/2 cup grated mozzarella cheese
3 eggs, seperated


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Cook the spinach until just cooked and tender. Mix sweetcorn, mushrooms, onion, viennas, mustard, parsley, salt, pepper and cheese together. 

 Let the spinach cool down. Add the egg yolks and mix the mixture well. Beat the egg whites until it forms slight peaks. Fold it into the sweetcorn mixture, but do not overmix. Spray a  baking dish with non-stick spray. Scoop the mixture into the dish and spread evenly. Sprinkle more cheese on top. Put into the oven and bake for about 30 minutes, or until the quiche has risen nicely and the cheese has turned a golden brown.

 Serve warm with a classic salad. And ENJOY!!

Yours in oil and veggies


Tuesday 9 July 2013

Mince Pizza.. with Bread

Good Morning!!

I realize I haven't posted any recipes for a while... Time is such a luxury!!! Which is exactly why the recipe for today is such a great winner. It is very tasty, cheap and easy to make - everything a tired, working mom wants to hear when a meal is described!! 


300g Mince
1 tin Sweetcorn
1 tin Mushrooms
1t Spice for Mince
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 -2 tbs Soya sauce
Oil for frying
2 eggs
3/4 cup milk
Grated cheddar cheese
+- 6 slices of bread


Fry the mince in the oil. Add the spice for mince, salt, pepper and soya sauce. Fry till nicely loosened and brown. Add the mushrooms. Fry some more. Add the sweetcorn, and stir well. Turn off heat. Place the bread in a baking tray next to each other (if your tray is too narrow like mine, the bread can overlap - it doesn't matter!). Scoop the mince mixture over the bread and spread evenly. Whisk the egg and milk well and pour evenly over the mixture in the tray. Top with the grated cheese - I am not limiting the quantity, because this you can do to suit your taste!! Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. It may not necessarily form a hard crust, due to the sauce from the mince mixture, but can still be done. The cheese needs to be completely melted and starting to crust.

I fed my family of five and two of my kids friends who had a sleepover with this meal and we were all stuffed! It is very filling and the kids love it!


Yours in oil and veggies
