Sunday 2 June 2024

Giant Cookies

If you’re looking for a fun, easy, and delicious activity to do with your kids, baking giant cookies is the perfect solution. My kids absolutely love making and eating these oversized treats, and the best part is that they can get as creative as they want with the toppings. Whether you choose Smarties, sprinkles, or chocolate chips, the options are endless, making this a versatile and exciting baking project.

Giant cookies are a hit for several reasons:

Size: There’s something inherently fun about baking a cookie that's as big as your face. The sheer size adds a wow factor that regular-sized cookies just can’t match.

Customization: Kids love having the freedom to choose their toppings. Whether it’s colorful Smarties, fun sprinkles, or gooey chocolate chips, they can personalize their cookie just the way they like it.

Simplicity: The recipe is straightforward, making it an ideal project for little hands. Plus, the quick baking time means they won’t have to wait long to enjoy their creation.


1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 cup flour
1t baking soda (bicarb of soda)
1tbs milk
2tbs corn flour
1/2t salt


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
2. Cream butter and sugar.
3. Add the egg and beat well.
4. Dissolve the bicarb in the milk and add to the mixture.
5. Mix the flour, corn flour and salt.
6. Mix the flour mixture into the butter mixture.
7. Add your desired topping and mix.
8. Press into a solid ball, then divide into equal sized balls, as big as you want them to be. 
9. Flatten and bake for about 10 minutes, or until done. 

Topping ideas:

- Smarties
- Sprinkles
- Chocolate chips
- Mini marshmallows
- Chopped nuts
- Dried fruit


1. We found that placing the balls on wax paper, then covering with wax paper and then using a plate to flatten, works the simplest way, with the least amount of effort.
2. Place on a sheet, not straight onto the wire rack in the oven... it sags in between the wires... we learnt from experience!!

Yours in butter and sugar

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Jam Tartlets

 Sometimes you just want something fairly quick and fairly simple to make, something sweet, something tangy... these cute little jam tartlets ticks all those boxes! Soft dough envelopes the jam of your choice, with a little extra taste and texture of shredded coconut added in. 

Simple, easy... with the only drawback being that you're probably not going to be able to make enough! I made a batch, got about 50 (3 sizes: small, medium and large), and before I knew what hit me, there's 10 left!!

So, I don't know how many people you have to feed, but my 3 kids gobbled it up.


2 1/4 c    flour
1t salt
1c cold butter
1/3c cold water
1 egg + cold water for brushing

Jam - apricot, strawberry
Shredded coconut


1. Mix flour and salt
2. Grate the butter and rub into the flour until well incorporated. Or put it in the blender and whizz, but don't over mix.
3. Add the 1/3 cup of cold water and gently mix, just bringing it all together.
4. Wrap it up in clingwrap and let it rest in the fridge for 30 min or more
5. Once the dough has rested, roll it out and cut out circles.
6. I used these little tartlet makers I bought in a cheap shop and it works really great.

7. Scoop a little jam into the centre - but not too much, otherwise it will cook out
8. Add a little coconut over the jam
9. Brush the outer circle of the dough circle with water to act as glue

10. Close up the tartlet and press the edges together firmly.
11. Mix the egg and a little cold water and whisk with a fork
12. Brush the tartlets with the egg wash
13. Poke a hole or two with a fork into the dough to let out steam

14. Bake in the oven @ 180degrees Celsius for 10 - 15 minutes
15. Remove and let it cool 
16. Enjoy!!

Yours in butter and sugar