Tuesday 9 December 2014


Making my own mayonnaise has been something I wanted to do for a very long time, but just never got round to it. Probably because I already had store-bought mayonnaise on hand. However, I decided recently that once this bottle of store-bought mayo is finished, I am going to make my own. So, yesterday was the day! There are literally hundreds of websites with recipes for home made mayonnaise, each with its own little tweak - as is mine - but it's basically egg, oil, vinegar and flavouring. 

From what I could gather, your ratios should look like this:
1 egg = 1 cup of oil = 1tbs vinegar

Vinegar can be any vinegar, from white wine to grape to apple, brown or white. You can substitute it with lemon juice, too. And, of course, the taste will be different with each of the different vinegars or juices. Flavouring is your basic: salt. To taste. Seems like you don't need to be too shy, as the salt evens out the sour of the vinegar. And then pepper and mustard. All to taste. The oil can be any oil, too. From olive to peanut to sunflower... 

Here is 2 of my versions, both taste quite different from the store-bought version, but it is very addictive, much creamier and softer on the tongue. The one version is a softer, plainer mayo, while the tangy one has a bit of "zing". The method is the same for both.

Plain Mayo                                                                              Tangy Mayo Ingredients:                                                                            Ingredients:

2 eggs                                                                                        3 eggs
2 cups sunflower oil                                                               2 cups sunflower oil
1tbs red wine vinegar                                                            1/4 cup white vinegar
1tbs white vinegar                                                                  2t hot English mustard
1/4t hot English mustard                                                      pinch white pepper
pinch ground black pepper                                                  pinch salt
1/4t salt 


Add all the ingredients into a tall beaker. Let it sit for a while so that everything can settle into it's layers. 

Use a stick blender and place it on the bottom of the beaker. Put it on high for about 20 seconds. Slowly lift it up, to incorporate everything. 

Taste to see if it suits your taste. Add some salt or pepper if needed, and incorporate well.

And enjoy on Hamburgers or my famous Baked Mince Roll!!

Yours in oil and veggies


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